Interview with Matthew Johnson, Tech Lead

For our Computronix employee interviews, we sit down with people from all levels of our company and ask them about their jobs, and what it’s like working for Computronix.


One thing you discover when talking to Computronix employees is that many of them are extremely committed to the company. It’s not uncommon to meet someone who has been part of Computronix for a decade or more, working their way from an entry-level job to a management position. Matthew Johnson is a perfect example of that, as he started working here 14 years ago as an apprentice who knew “very little about programming,” and is now a Technical Team Lead, responsible for leading a team of developers to build technical solutions for clients.


For him, the main reason he’s stayed for so long is the people. “I work with some of my best friends at this company,” he professes. It isn’t an empty claim either, as he regularly invites co-workers to his home to play board games and socialize. When asked what his co-workers are best at, his immediate response is “telling jokes!” He laughs at that for a moment, before adding “and we’re really good at innovating.”


People and innovation come up over and over again while talking to Matthew. His passion for inventive solutions is clear as he talks about the work he does, saying that his favorite part of his job is “being able to sit down and create, to solve a problem.” People skills, on the other hand, are something he’s had to learn during his time at Computronix, especially as he’s transitioned into more of a leadership role. It seems that this process of learning was really a joint effort between him and Computronix.


Matthew recalls one time when he was struggling to communicate with his team, and a senior staff member pulled him aside and explained exactly what the communication gap was, and how he could be better understood in the future. Situations like that are common within the company, and “that mentoring time has helped me understand myself more…it’s been fantastic,” he explains.


Ultimately, he’s been willing to go through these changes, to learn about himself and to grow as a person within a workplace context because he believes in Computronix’s vision of respecting, trusting and serving people – both employees and people outside the company. “It means I care about people, whether they’re the client on the other end of the phone or the guy sitting next to me.” It’s not always easy, he says as the interview wraps up, but “It’s a great place to work and there’s a lot of good people here.”
