Interview With Chris Stolte, Ops Manager

For our Computronix employee interviews, we sit down with people from all levels of our company and ask them about their jobs, and what it’s like working for Computronix.


It has been 24 years since Chris Stolte first started at Computronix as a student working a summer job. In that time, he has graduated from university, been hired on as a full-time staff, worked as a Developer, a Project Manager, and for the last 3 years, has been an Operations Manager. Obviously a lot has changed, both for him personally and for the company, which is nearly six times larger than it was when he started.


In every project he has a part in, Chris’s first priority is always “taking care of people.” He says that he’s most successful in his role when he’s “Ensured that there are no roadblocks in anyone’s way,” meaning that both the client and Computronix staff have everything they need to be successful.


Chris describes one particularly challenging project several years ago, where he was personally able to make a difference for a client. The original project manager suffered a massive heart attack and passed away partway through the project.  This created a major setback for the project, to the point where “it was almost impossible for it to succeed.” Chris stepped into the leadership role and worked with the client to rework the schedule and the overall approach. Not only did the project end up on-time and on-budget, Chris proudly asserts that “we were able to hold on to our core values throughout.”


Despite his many years here, he shared that he still enjoys coming to work each day and that things still feel new and fresh and exciting. “There’s lots of interesting challenges every day,” he explains, “you’re always able to learn and grow.” For him, there has definitely been a lot of learning. “Everything I know about the software industry, I’ve learned here. I’ve learned a lot about myself. Really, what haven’t I learned at Computronix?”
