Interview With Andy Patterson, Tech Lead

For our Computronix employee interviews, we sit down with people from all levels of our company and ask them about their jobs, and what it’s like working for Computronix.


At Computronix, a strong emphasis is placed on building personal relationships – not just between co-workers, but also between employees and clients. When clients trust that the people providing them with a service are trying to provide a win-win, and not just look out for their own interests, it is easier to work with them. Because of the value Computronix places on the client relationship, we work together to find the solution that is most beneficial for both parties. That’s why Andy Patterson says that the thing he is proudest of at Computronix is “the relationships I’ve built with clients and coworkers.”


Andy says that the relational foundation also allows employees to directly communicate with clients to “understand their core business needs and provide them with a system that solves their specific problems,” rather than a broad system that may or may not be able to help them.


He describes one smaller client that he worked for, where he was able to take them from a completely paper-based system to an online system that was much faster, more convenient and more efficient for everyone. Although Andy’s regular job is Tech Lead, because of the small size of that particular project, he was able to perform in a wide range of roles, from Tech Lead to Developer to Business Analyst. Because he was the central point of contact between the client and Computronix, he was able to build a strong relationship with them and the project was more successful because of it.
