Information Resources

For many government agencies, successfully implementing an innovative technology solution can be a daunting and time consuming challenge in addition to the daily demands of governance. To assist in your preparations for this endeavour, and hopefully lighten your workload, we invite you to take advantage of these invaluable information resources to guide you from initial project planning and vendor selection through to successful technology implementation.

White Papers, eBooks, Procurement Planning Resources & More!

American Rescue Plan

Contact us today for guidance in utilizing your eligible ARP funding. Innovative infrastructure investment. Quick accessible funding. 

Anticipated ROI: POSSE PLS

Projecting ROI for a permitting & licensing system investment? Download this complimentary eBook for helpful guidance.

Building a Business Case

How to build a compelling business case for replacing your underperforming permitting & licensing software system. 

Building Consensus

How to create stakeholder momentum to secure project funding for software system replacement.

Buyer Experience Report

SoftwareReviews asked POSSE customers about their product and service experience. 

Change Readiness Survey

Assess your organizational readiness for an enterprise scale software implementation.

High Fit & Hands-On

A proven process for achieving lower cost enterprise implementations.

Housing Affordability

Technology solutions for achieving housing affordability through permitting modernization.

Project Best Practices

How to deploy a digital government platform. Five keys to deliver your technology project on time & on budget. 

Projecting Lifecycle Valuation

How a COTS+ software solution solves the ‘buy vs build’ conundrum by giving you the benefits of both.

RFP Planning & Procurement

Getting ready for your COTS software project and RFP procurement, including RFP development and subsequent vendor evaluation and selection.

Single-Tenant Solutions

Looking to break free from an inflexible multi-tenant environment? Download this complimentary eBook today for helpful guidance.

Solutions FAQ

Experiencing pain points in your government software system? Identify the cure with our easy-to-use Solutions FAQ.

Vendor Evaluation

Assess your potential government software partner from initial implementation approach through to ongoing customer commitment.

WebUI Solution Brief

Moving government services from the service desk to the mobile platform with web responsive citizen portals.