Going Forward: Building Consensus for Software System Replacement

Once all your stakeholder groups are suitably informed and fully engaged, your final step is to get them working together in a concerted advocacy effort to build consensus and momentum for your new software system. If you’ve followed each step in this Action Plan, most of this activity will likely occur organically as the logical steps for project approvals progress within your pre-defined procurement process.


It is here that you’ll need to pay close attention to the rules of engagement specific to your agency and jurisdiction, as well as those most respectful of the contributions of your external stakeholders.


Synergizing these efforts may be as simple as launching a working group in conjunction with your technology leaders where you work together to make your Change Narrative a reality by formalizing the content of your Engagement Analysis and Pitch Presentation into a detailed business case suitable for senior level consideration. Key stakeholders you’ve identified along the way can participate in this group either directly or ‘softly’ by providing their direct endorsement of and/or letters of recommendation for the proposed solution path.


The key here is to play by the rules that govern your approved procurement practices and augment these efforts by providing all stakeholders in this process sound, factual and timely information that resonates with their vested interests. By engaging and equipping each member of this decision team with compelling arguments to help make their case on your behalf, you have essentially created a team of ‘influencers’ each of them working in tandem with your efforts to achieve a bright new innovation vision for your agency, government, city, and region.


The funds and the technology are available.


Why not start the process now by scheduling a Discovery Demo of one or more of our ‘Powered by POSSE’ Solutions?



Previously in this series: How To Craft a Change Narrative to Inspire Innovation



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