Leveraging the latest version of ESRI ArcGIS®, POSSE GIS utilizes ESRI’s rich library of basemaps, providing a fully responsive, modern mapping experience out-of-the-box, as well as the capability to generate custom maps—enabling you to achieve the greatest benefits from your existing GIS investment. Seamlessly supporting integration with both industry standard map server applications and custom map viewers, POSSE GIS also includes an integrated browser-based map viewer for interactive searching, filtering, layering and sharing of your GIS data.
POSSE PLS and POSSE ABC system user screens contain a one-click “Locate” button to quickly display an activity type or group of activities (e.g., permits, inspections, licenses, etc.) on a map for contextual geospatial referencing and informed decision-making.
You can also initiate a “Show me the related business information” search to retrieve in progress and historical data.
POSSE provides the ability to initiate a search based on a geographic selection on a map.
For example, to select all permit or license activity within a specified geographic boundary. POSSE also allows geographic buffers from a defined parcel (e.g., all parcels within 1,000 feet) and then automatically generate notification letters for all parcel owners in the selected buffer zone.
When you use POSSE GIS with our POSSE PLS Permitting & Inspections Module and/or the POSSE PLS Code Enforcement Module, you can initiate a permit application or a complaint workflow directly from a map selection.
From the POSSE Citizen portal, your citizens can drop an identifying pin on a map to locate an associated complaint. Map images can be pasted into management reports, advertisements, or other printed and electronic documents.