Douglas County Named Top Digital County in America

DENVER, CO – Computronix is pleased to congratulate Douglas County, Colorado, a longtime POSSE customer, on receiving the Digital Counties Survey award as the top digital county among those with a population between 250,000 and 499,999 citizens. This annual award is given by the Center for Digital Government and the National Association of Counties. It is given to the counties with the best technology practices, particularly those who improve their citizen’s experience through increased efficiency, reduced costs, collaboration, and citizen engagement.


Douglas County received the award for a variety of initiatives that use technology to improve staff training, increase collaboration between departments and with neighboring counties, and provide open data to their citizens.


Roger Partridge, Chair of the Board of Douglas County Commissioners, on behalf of the full Board, said “Consistent with the high value our Board assigns to being an open, accountable and participatory government, we are thankful and humbled to learn that our investment in technology to improve transparency, accountability, information access and public engagement is recognized as among the nation’s best.”


Computronix has partnered with Douglas County for almost 15 years, providing our POSSE system to Douglas County’s Building, Planning, and Engineering departments, which has enabled the county departments to work more closely together, collaborate more efficiently and serve their citizens better. By making it possible for land developers to submit permits online, get immediate notifications of tasks to be completed, and get a clear timeline of the permitting process, Douglas County and Computronix have created a system that developers have called “the best in Colorado!” Computronix is proud to work with Douglas County, and we look forward to a continued successful partnership with this technology leader.


With offices in Edmonton and metro Denver, Computronix is regarded as one of the leading North American vendors in government regulatory software innovation. Since 1979, Computronix has provided robust government workflow solutions for more than 40 state, provincial, and local governments. To date, POSSE government customers have won over 18 national and international awards for business transformation and improved customer and public service.
