Craig Porter and the Leadership Development Program

Computronix has a strong emphasis on professional growth and development. Employees are encouraged and given opportunities to learn and become better at their jobs. One of the ways the company provides learning opportunities is through programs, classes, and courses; such as the Supervisor Training course, or the recent Leadership Development program. This course is an 18-month course taught by an external professional business and leadership coach, Larry Thiessen. This certificate is aimed at helping effective supervisors and managers move into expanded responsibilities as leaders through training and transformational growth strategies. This life-changing course covers topics such as: communication, delegation, critical thinking, coaching, and much more!


Communication Fundamentals


Craig Porter is a Technical Lead at Computronix. Craig was initially interested in taking this Leadership Development course to learn different ways of helping others; not only at work, but in his personal life as well. The second course of the certificate, Communication Fundamentals, was one that drew Craig’s attention from the beginning. He not only wanted to learn more about how to communicate well with clients, but with his team as well. The biggest takeaway that Craig got from the communication class is, “don’t always assume people know what you’re talking about.” He has learned to be proactive with his team members and ask them good questions to ensure that they fully understand what he’s trying to communicate.


Personal Leadership Development Plan


At the end of the class, Larry Thiessen, the instructor walked each person through the process of building their own personal leadership development plan. Each member worked on identifying one thing they would want to work on, why they wanted to improve in that area, and what kind of difference it would make to their leadership style. The plan required each member to allow for a personal level of change. Craig realized he had to “get real” with himself and understand what he needed to work on. To do that, he asked his supervisor, operations manager, and spouse for thoughts on areas he could grow in. As he reaches each of his goals, he continues to add to his leadership development plan and allow himself to grow.


Becoming a Better Leader AND Person


The Leadership Development Certificate provided Craig with numerous tools that allow him to do a better job with communication, decision-making, and having difficult conversations. “I think the class is awesome, I had so much fun learning the concepts and getting to know my coworkers better and at a greater level.” Craig enjoyed learning under Larry, the instructor, who in Craig’s words is, “Very passionate and knowledgeable about what he does, and really seems like he cares.” “I think anyone that’s interested in improving themselves and wanting to just be a better leader or be a better person should take this course.” Through this training, Craig learned how to be a more dynamic team lead and how to better help each person on his team.
