Single-Tenant Software Solutions

Single-Tenant Software Solutions Looking to break free from an inflexible multi-tenant environment? Download this complimentary eBook today for helpful guidance. Sharing resources in a multi-tenant solution can slow your systems AND compromise security. Why ‘slow your roll’ when there’s a better way? Unlike the private sector where revenue growth and global scalability are often the […]
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Download ‘Anticipated ROI from your POSSE PLS Solution’ eBook

Anticipated ROI from your POSSE PLS Solution DOWNLOAD
Anticipated ROI from your POSSE PLS Solution

Anticipated ROI from your POSSE PLS Solution Projecting ROI for a permitting & licensing system investment? Download this complimentary eBook today for helpful guidance. Is your agency on a mission to maximize the anticipated ROI from planning, permitting, inspection and licensing processes? The solution experts at Computronix have collected data from each of our successful […]
AGCO Case Study

How AGCO (Alcohol and Gaming Commission of Ontario) leveraged POSSE ABC as an enterprise solution to streamline regulation and online services for liquor control, gaming, horse racing, and recreational cannabis.
American Rescue Plan

The American Rescue Plan Contact us today for guidance in utilizing your eligible ARP funding. $350 billion in direct relief funds for state and local government agencies The American Rescue Plan provides a substantial opportunity for agencies to fund IT modernization efforts, accelerating the transition to citizen self services & remote work infrastructure. ARP equips […]
City of Pittsburgh Case Study

Learn how the City of Pittsburgh’s implementation of a POSSE solution led to a 40% increase in revenues with a 500% increase in permit activity.
City of Philadelphia Case Study

With POSSE as the foundation and eCLIPSE the destination, Philadelphia L&I is now fully equipped to deliver the agency’s vision of a citizen friendly online environment working seamlessly alongside core processing systems.
A Secret Shared By All Government Workers

A Secret Shared By All Government Workers A passion for altruism The loosely guarded secret shared by almost all government workers is they truly want to make their communities a better place to live. For the vast majority of those working in government agencies of all descriptions, this is an intrinsic truth. Quite simply, our […]
Download How to Deploy a Digital Government Platform eBook

How to Deploy a Digital Government Platform DOWNLOAD