Single Customer View: A Major Achievement in Gaming Regulation

Single Customer View: A Major Achievement in Gaming Regulation Long established as one of the most influential gambling regulators in the world, the UK Gambling Commission is a vocal proponent of the power of collaboration. “We see greater collaboration amongst all of us, gambling regulators across the world, as the essential next step in tackling […]

The Advantages of Seamless ePlans Integration

ePlans Integration

The Advantages of Seamless ePlans Integration Community development agencies across North America are striving to streamline their planning approval processes to increase the speed-to-market for much needed affordable housing stocks. Unfortunately, for many agencies, poorly integrated ePlans software is hampering these efforts. Unlike POSSE PLS, the majority of ePlan solutions are not fully integrated within […]

Preventing Money Laundering with Effective Government Gaming Regulation

Preventing money laundering

Preventing Money Laundering with Effective Government Gaming Regulation Following the legalization of online gambling in numerous states and provinces across North America, government gaming control experts are now confronted with the considerable challenge of effectively regulating this complex and rapidly evolving industry. A central focus in these efforts is the compliance infrastructure required to ensure […]

Self-Exclusion: A Moving Target for Gaming Regulators


Self-Exclusion: A Moving Target for Gaming Regulators Today’s government gaming regulators are being asked to manage a difficult and often contradictory set of priorities. On one hand, the rapid growth of online wagering opportunities is creating an unprecedented scope of new licensing and revenue opportunities contributing to a massive taxation largesse. On the other hand, […]

The First-Time Home Buyers Crisis

The First-Time Home Buyers Crisis Policy & Technology: The Winning Combination The Affordable Housing Crisis in both the United States and Canada is garnering headlines again with policy makers garnering criticism for the underwhelming results generated thus far by much publicized national housing programs on both sides of the border.  In Canada, the Office of […]

POSSE Platform: Technology Trends

POSSE Platform: Technology Trends Technology is constantly evolving creating ever expanding demands for user experiences that leverage the latest tech innovations in an intuitive and elegant manner. For government agencies keen to maximize the ROI of their internal development platforms, this requires a delicate balancing act wherein new technologies are investigated through the lens of […]

Top Concerns for Sports Betting Regulators

Top Concerns for Sports Betting Regulators Legalized sports betting is off and running in the US with 33 States and the District of Columbia now offering legalized sports betting. Canada is even further down the track with every province and territory now offering single-game betting to residents, with the country’s northern territories (Northwest Territories, Yukon, […]

$4B HAF Program Launches to Fund Permitting Modernization

Focus Shifting to Core Issue in Affordable Housing Crisis $4B Housing Accelerator Fund Opens Application Process to Fund Permitting Modernization. The Canadian Federal Government has officially launched the Housing Accelerator Fund (HAF), following the program’s announcement in the 2022 Federal Budget. The launch confirms the opening of the program’s Application Portal for a one-time, 45-day […]

Nebraska Liquor Control Commission Selects POSSE ABC Solution

Nebraska Liquor Control Commission

Nebraska Liquor Control Commission Selects POSSE ABC Solution for Centralized Alcohol Management Project (CAMP). DENVER, Colorado – Computronix is pleased to announce that the Nebraska Liquor Control Commission (NLCC) has selected, through a competitive procurement process, the POSSE ABC (Alcoholic Beverage Control) system as the preferred solution for the State of Nebraska’s Centralized Alcohol Management […]

Focus Shifting to Core Issue in Affordable Housing Crisis

Affordable Housing Crisis

Focus Shifting to Core Issue in Affordable Housing Crisis Despite the sense that the housing affordability crisis can’t get much worse, the Bank of Canada Housing Affordability Index (HAI) hit a 32 year high in Q3 2022. The HAI estimates an average household needs to spend 48.8% of its income to carry a home, up […]