High-Growth Halton Region Selects POSSE LMS

Halton Region Selects POSSE LMS

High-Growth Halton Region Selects POSSE LMS Edmonton, Canada – Computronix is pleased to announce that one of the fastest-growing municipal regions in Ontario has selected POSSE Land Management System (LMS) software to manage its development application business processes. The Regional Municipality of Halton (“Halton Region”), a regional government encompassing the municipalities of Milton, Oakville, Burlington […]

Computronix Awarded Contract to Implement POSSE ABC System

PLCB Wins National Award

Computronix Awarded Contract to Implement POSSE ABC System Denver, CO – Computronix is pleased to announce the company will work with the Pennsylvania Liquor Control Board (‘PLCB’) to implement the market-leading POSSE Alcoholic Beverage Control (“POSSE ABC”) software as the agency’s regulatory affairs system. As the agency that manages the alcoholic beverage industry in Pennsylvania, the […]

New Jersey ABC Selects Computronix

New Jersey ABC Selects Computronix

New Jersey ABC Selects Computronix Denver, CO – Computronix is pleased to announce that its market-leading POSSE Alcoholic Beverage Control (“POSSE ABC”) software has been selected by the State of New Jersey Division of Alcoholic Beverage Control to implement a state-of-the-art Regulatory Licensing System. New Jersey ABC, a Division of the State’s Department of Law and […]

Philadelphia Awards Computronix the eCLIPSE Project

Philadelphia Awards eCLIPSE Project

Philadelphia Awards Computronix the eCLIPSE Project Denver, CO – Computronix is pleased to announce that its market-leading POSSE Land Management and Licensing System (“POSSE LMS”) software has been selected by the City of Philadelphia to replace its legacy software system in the Department of Licenses and Inspections (“L&I”). Rich in history and culture, and experiencing […]

Honolulu ePlans Sets New Standard for Electronic Plans Review

Honolulu ePlans Sets New Standard

Honolulu ePlans Sets New Standard for Electronic Plans Review Denver, CO – Computronix has announced that the City & County of Honolulu is the winner of the 2013 Computronix Customer Innovation Award in the “Best Use of Technology” category. The award was presented Sept. 18 to the City & County’s GIS Administrator Ken Schmidt at the […]

B.C. eAS System Wins 2013 Innovation Award

B.C. eAS System Wins 2013 Innovation Award

B.C. eAS System Wins 2013 Innovation Award Edmonton, Canada – Computronix has announced that the British Columbia Natural Resource Sector is the winner of the 2013 Computronix Customer Innovation Award in the “Innovative Use of POSSE” category. The award was presented Sept. 18 at the international Computronix Client Conference and awards gala in Edmonton. The annual […]

POSSE ABC Selected by Kansas

POSSE ABC Selected by Kansas

POSSE ABC Selected by Kansas Denver, CO – Computronix is pleased to announce that its market-leading POSSE Alcoholic Beverage Control (“POSSE ABC”) software has been selected by the State of Kansas Alcoholic Beverage Control Division to replace its legacy ABC Liquor Licensing and Regulatory System. The ABC Division of the Kansas Department of Revenue is the […]

POSSE Version 7 Now Available

POSSE Version 7 Now Available

POSSE Version 7 Now Available Denver, CO – POSSE Version 7, the latest major upgrade to Computronix’s flagship POSSE software suite, is now available. POSSE Version 7 GA (General Availability) begins shipping Aug. 23. A POSSE Version 7 orientation course will be offered Sept. 16-17 in Edmonton in advance of the 2013 Computronix Client Conference for […]

Vancouver Selects POSSE LMS

Vancouver Selects POSSE LMS

Vancouver Selects POSSE LMS Edmonton, Canada – Computronix is very pleased to announce that the City of Vancouver has awarded a contract to Computronix to implement its pre-configured, fully web-enabled POSSE Land Management System (“POSSE LMS”) at the City over the next two years. Catapulted to the world stage by the highly-touted 2010 Winter Olympics as […]