The Story of POSSE

Our innovative POSSE product was created in 1995, through hard work and taking a big risk to develop something that had never been done before. Learn more here!
The CX Ambassador Group

The CX Ambassador Group At Computronix, we often do things differently than other companies. Not for the sake of innovation or being unique or anything else, but simply because we believe that sometimes the traditional methods aren’t the best ones. One example of this is the Ambassador Group, which serves as a recruitment group – […]
Professional Development

Professional Development At Computronix, we strongly value professional development, meaning that we want our employees to continually learn and grow and improve at their jobs. We talked to developers Chris Newbery and Eissa Pavo, who shared their thoughts on professional development at Computronix.
Mecklenburg County Case Study

Mecklenburg County is one of the most technologically advanced government authorities in North America. Learn how POSSE has been a major part of that advancement!
The Tech Lead Fast Track Course

The Tech Lead Fast Track Course Computronix has a strong emphasis on professional growth and development. Employees are encouraged and given opportunities to learn and become better at their jobs, and even to move into new positions if they so desire. One of the ways the company provides learning opportunities is through programs, courses and […]
Interview With Eissa Pavo, Developer

Interview With Eissa Pavo, Developer For our Computronix employee interviews, we sit down with people from all levels of our company and ask them about their jobs, and what it’s like working for Computronix. It can be scary to start a new job at a new company. There’s often uncertainty about whether you’re going […]
Pennsylvania Liquor Control Board Wins National Award

Pennsylvania Liquor Control Board Wins National Award DENVER, CO – Computronix is pleased to congratulate the Pennsylvania Liquor Control Board for being named Overall Winner in the 2016 StateWays Control States Best Practices Awards. This award recognizes the agency that is leading the beverage control industry in innovation, education and enforcement. The PLCB was showcased in the November/December issue […]
Douglas County Case Study

Douglas County, Colorado utilizes POSSE as an enterprise-wide solution, with their Building, Planning, and Engineering departments all integrated within the web-based work management system.
Interview With Andy Patterson, Tech Lead

Interview With Andy Patterson, Tech Lead For our Computronix employee interviews, we sit down with people from all levels of our company and ask them about their jobs, and what it’s like working for Computronix. At Computronix, a strong emphasis is placed on building personal relationships – not just between co-workers, but also between […]
Interview With Chris Stolte, Ops Manager

Interview With Chris Stolte, Ops Manager For our Computronix employee interviews, we sit down with people from all levels of our company and ask them about their jobs, and what it’s like working for Computronix. It has been 24 years since Chris Stolte first started at Computronix as a student working a summer job. […]