The CX Academy

One of the core values at Computronix is growth. That means that we’re always trying to grow and improve as a company, but also that we value individual growth for our employees. This comes through in training, in mentorship and in a desire to see people overcome challenges, improve, learn, and succeed. As our HR Director, Dave Neumann, says, “Healthy people are going to want to learn and grow. And then a healthy company should make a way for people to learn and grow” So, to foster and encourage learning and growth, there is a set of courses we offer to employees, known as CX Academy.  In CX Academy, employees can deepen their skills in leadership, learn to self-evaluate, discover the best practices for a variety of tasks, and more!


The various CX Academy courses provide in-depth training into broad, general concepts such as “how to have difficult conversations” or “how to get the most out of a meeting,” as well as Computronix-specific information, such as the way we manage projects or handle performance reviews. This allows employees to be equipped not only for their jobs at Computronix, but for their lives outside of work, where they will likely be able to use the concepts they’ve learned.


Class instructors are mostly senior staff who have extensive knowledge and experience in the topics as well as a few external consultants that come in to teach on specific subjects that they specialize in. There are also a few books that students are expected to read that further delve into certain topics. The variety of instruction ensures that the courses provide a very well-rounded learning experience.


Computronix is committed to ensuring that the CX Academy itself is being refined and improved, taking student feedback into account to constantly improve the classes and the format. There are also “Refresher” courses, which are shorter courses intended for those who have taken the class previously and just need the updated information from the current year. Ultimately, we want to guarantee that we are providing the best possible learning experience for our staff.


According to Dave Neumann, the key importance of the CX Academy as part of the company culture is that, “Computronix is deliberate in living out our values of learning and growth. We are not just saying that challenge matters to us. We are going to get employees ready to take on challenges and prepare them for that.”
