100% Referenceability & Project Success

Set a goal for 100% referenceability & project success & do not deviate from this objective


You can lead the charge for your government agency and be one of the very few to master enterprise project delivery if you’re willing to insist on two critical requirements.


The sobering statistics conveying the frequency of failed IT enterprise projects continually reinforce a harsh reality: this is an endeavor that only a few can consistently do well.


Once you embrace that reality and commit to your own participation in becoming one of the talented and ambitious few to pull this off, it becomes absolutely essential to identify a prospective project vendor with a verifiable track record of consistent achievement in this arena. This is done, not to absolve or largely remove the client from project participation, but rather to empower project stakeholders with a proven product solution and delivery process that has consistently validated itself with each-and-every successful implementation—without fail.


In focusing your energies in exacting detail on choosing a project vendor with an extensive history of project delivery excellence, a demonstrably superior service culture, and a fully realized product solution with generational longevity, you are bringing both a winning team and the winning playbook to your project. Now your project risks are reduced to the internal factors directly within your control, and because of your chosen vendor’s confirmed expertise in both service delivery and culture assimilation, you can rest assured that your vendor’s proven best practices will guide your internal project teams over potential hurdles as you achieve the common goal of 100% project success.


You can lead this charge for your government agency and be one of the very few to do this well and you can approach this challenge with justifiable confidence that the project will be an unmitigated success if you’re willing to insist on two critical qualifications from your platform implementation partner:

  1. They must have a track record of 100% project success.

  2. They must be willing to facilitate 100% client referenceability so that you can perform an unbiased assessment of every selection criteria factor detailed in this guide.

Find a partner that’s never failed in this endeavor and verify that assumption through a comprehensive investigation of their client projects. Pursue this path and you are placing your own career on a firm foundation to become one of the very few that do this well. Better still, you will play a vital role in delivering transformative technology that will improve the lives of your colleagues and citizens for this generation and the next.


So, how do you start?


Next week, we’ll conclude our ongoing series on How to Deploy a Digital Government Platform by showing you the key steps to take to guarantee delivery of your technology project on time and on budget.